Happy Nine Months, Sweet Baby Boy!
Are we really already at nine months? It seems like just yesterday that we found out that I was pregnant with you. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun! And what fun we are having! How could we not when you have such a sweet disposition and happy little, round face? You are an absolute doll with such an infectious smile.
While we were in Hawaii last week, you decided to start crawling...really crawling. Before you would scoot yourself along backwards or just roll all over place. You get a bit frustrated with yourself at times, but I think you will have those arm and leg movements mastered in no time. You are even trying to pull yourself up on things, which is good and bad.
A lot of babbling is going on these days. Charlie tries to interpret for you, which is quite comical. Who knows...maybe he really does understand what you are trying to say. It was not that long ago that he was using those same words.
On the downside, you still are getting ear infections, so this Friday you are getting tubes in your ears. Mommy gets nervous about it because you will be going under general anesthesia, but I also know that things will be much better when you get those tubes. You have had six ear infections (double) in the past six months. Ouch!
I cannot report on your stats right now because your appointment with Dr. Rachel is not until next week. At that time I promise to give an update to all. All I know is that you still seem to be quite big. More to come on that next week.
You are still my little cuddle bug. You love to be held and snuggled, and we love to hold and snuggle you. I think you are a bit of a flirt with the ladies in that way. When we drop you off or pick you up, you give us a big smile and then snuggle your head into Ms. Edina or Ms. Teresa’s shoulder. No wonder they adore you.
Recently you started waving hello and goodbye. Although, you are not quite sure when you should wave “hello,” but you are getting the “bye-bye” part down. Maybe we can stick you on a float to practice your wave.
You are still such a good, mellow, happy baby! We love you more and more each day. Thank you (and Charlie) for filling our lives with a constant ray of sunshine.
I love you too, too much!