Hi Ryan! Happy 11 months to you! Daddy and I are starting to talk about what we are going to do for your first birthday. We are so excited to celebrate your first year. What a great one it has been! Charlie thinks we should all fly to Hawaii for your birthday, and I really wish that we could but maybe another year.
What new things have been going on with you...
You are still all over the place, and you get into everything. You are not yet walking on your own, but you pull yourself up on whatever is close to you (a chair, my legs, one of the doggies) and walk around. You even try to crawl up the stairs. You make it about three steps up and then fall back. We have to be around you at all times to make sure you stay safe.
You have six teeth--four on top and two on bottom. They are so cute! Daddy said that at this rate, you will be shaving in the 3rd grade. Ha! You detest having your teeth brushed. You clamp down on that toothbrush the minute we put it in your mouth. You are are great eater. The only thing I have given to you that you will not eat is rice cereal. When you are finished eating, you shake your head no until we quit feeding you. We call this move "shaky, shaky." I can get you to do it on command as well.
You are babbling a lot. You say mama and dada quite a bit. You also say ni ni when you are ready to go to sleep. You go to bed really well at night. If you are not tired, you will just hang out quietly in your bed until you do fall asleep. It makes our lives much easier, especially when Charlie will not go to bed (like now, as I am writing this).
The newest things that you love to do are play peek-a-boo and do "kissy kissy" where you make kiss noises over and over.
You are such a gem. You are still super mellow and super easy. You have this big beautiful smile that just lights up a room. You are in your stranger anxiety phase right now. You will only let me, daddy and Grandma Lynn hold you. You are not quite sure about anyone else. And I love the fact that you are such a snuggle bug. It makes my heart melt every time you snuggle up to me.
Well, my beautiful boy, I hope you always know how much you are loved. You are amazing and wonderful and so much fun!
I love you too, too much,
and thank you, Alethia, for the photo :)
and thank you, Alethia, for the photo :)