Well, it has finally happened…Charlie is potty trained. I really should not use the term “finally” because it makes it sounds as though we were working on it for ages, which we were not. It all just kind of happened over this past weekend. We even got through the nights and nap times without any accidents. Yay for Charlie!
I think the fear of peeing on “Tow Mater” or “Lightening McQueen” was the key – we do not want to upset them. Plus, the constant “we are so proud of you” helped out as well. In fact, on Sunday Charlie said to me, “Mommy, I am just so proud of myself!” As you should be, little man!
Ryan, on the other hand, is on a poop strike and has not pooped in seven days! Yes, SEVEN DAYS!!! Yet, he is still happy and smiling. I would not be happy after two days of that. All I have to say is that when it happens, everyone better move out of the way…and fast!
Happy three months to you, Ryan…our Little Bear Cub. I miss spending each day with you, but it makes it that much better when I get to see my two handsome boys each afternoon. Your two beautiful smiles make my day.