Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two more months to ONE!!!

Happy 10 months, Sweet Ryan!

What a time we have had over the past month! Let’s see…a few days after you turned nine months, you had to have tubes put in your little ears. You were such a trooper! In fact, when Dr. Child came out to see us after the surgery, his first words were, “I am shocked!” Apparently your ears were filled with so much fluid that they basically burst when he cut into them. He could not believe that you had such a happy disposition through all of that. Even the day of the surgery you were in good spirits. It is amazing how much louder you are now. I am sure your hearing was not the greatest. I am sorry, Little Man!

You babble a lot and like to say “mama,” “dada,” “nye-nye,” and “baabaa.” In addition to the loudness, you are also all over the place. You are so curious and love to pull yourself up on everything. You also love to get into to everything, especially the things that you should not be touching.

You love to eat! Other than plain rice cereal, you seem to like all foods. Lately, you have loved to eat raspberries. I cannot wait for the Farmer’s Market, so that we can get lots of yummy fruits and veggies for you to try.

Dancing is your other new thing. You will pull yourself up on your toys that play music and you will bounce and bounce. When you are in your car seat, you move your legs to the music in the car. You love it most when Daddy dances around the living room with you, or when Charlie dances, you like to clap for him.

As you get bigger, you and Charlie play more together. Charlie likes to tickle you and hold you and share his toys with you. Charlie, you are such a good big brother. Ryan loves you so much. I cannot wait until you two can really play together and talk to one another. It will be so much fun to see.

Mommy loves both of you too, too much! Ryan, I cannot wait to see what is in store for us this month. No matter what…I know it will be fun!