You make our world a better place. Wherever we go, people smile when they see you. You are a beautiful little boy, but you also have this infectious smile and laugh. People are drawn to you. You make people happy!
This has been a great past year. You started a new school, and you are doing so well. It amazes me all of the things you know and have learned. You are very smart! Sometimes I forget that you are only four because you have this crazy logic, and you will argue a point with me. It is wonderful and frustrating all at the same time. You say some of the most hilarious things to us.
Fridays are still my favorite day because I get to spend it with you. We always have fun, and you are always so thankful for everything we do--even if it is going to buy groceries. You remind me a lot of your Grandpa Charlie because you make everything you do a fun adventure. Last week was the start of ski school at Deer Valley, and I cannot believe how well you are doing. I am sure it helped that Daddy has taken you up to Alta several times already this year. And who says there is no snow?
You and Ryan have become such great little buddies. I know he can make you mad when he destroys whatever you might be working on or playing with, but you handle it pretty well (most of the time). I love how when you talk to him, you always refer to him as "sweet, sweet baby boy!" He looks up to you and always wants to do whatever you are doing. You are a very good big brother. And we always tell you to be nice to him because one day he may be bigger than you :)
Your other love is the Utah Jazz. Your eyes light up when you watch them play, and you always wear your Hayward jersey and shorts for each game that we watch from home. I always say that you are their biggest little fan. I cannot imagine that other three year olds know the players or got upset when they heard that Ronnie Price was traded to the Suns. You said, "Mama, can we just fly to Phoenix to watch him play?" Pretty funny!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making each day a great day! Thank you for being wonderful you! I hope you always know how much we love you--too, too much! Here's to another fabulous year!