Monday, August 16, 2010

I ate some steak

Every night since Charlie was a baby I have sung "You are my Sunshine" to him. It is a song that I remember my parents singing to me all the time. In fact, when I first started singing it to Charlie, I could never get through the whole song because I would think of my dad singing it, and I would cry, especially during the second verse.

So, the other night, Charlie told me he wanted to sing it to me, and he did not want me to sing with him. If you heard my voice, you would not blame him for making this request. He began the song, and it was so good that my heart melted. Then he got to the second verse, and this is how it went (minus a few words)..."The other night, dear, while I lay sleeping. I dreamt I held you in mine arms. When I woke up, I ate some steak. Then I hung my head and cried." It took everything in me to not burst out laughing because he was so serious singing to me. So, he heard "I was mistaken" as "I ate some steak." And why not? And I guess that steak was not very good because it made him cry :) Once again, my heart melts when I think of him singing. Grandpa Charlie would have loved that version as well!

1 comment:

  1. Kelli! These posts are hilarious!! I love it :) :) XO (Carly)
