Happy birthday to one of the most beautiful women I know
(inside and out)!
Mom, I hope you have an incredible, wonderful day! We will
be celebrating your special day while we are in Monte Carlo. I cannot believe
that you are sixty! You should be proud to tell everyone your age because you
truly look like you are at least twenty years younger. Yes, I have to hear it
everywhere we go…”I thought you two were sisters!” Ha!
Thank you for always being the best mom and a best friend.
You are my little secret keeper. And you are one of the nicest people I have
ever known—probably nice to a fault at times :)
I always wonder where Dom and I came from because we certainly did not get that
“unbelievably nice” gene. I have rarely heard you say a bad word about anyone.
Thank you for saying yes to dad. Dom and I were truly
blessed with the best parents in the world.
Thank you for letting me eat a big salad and watch General
Hospital when I was little. I still love Luke and Laura. I think maybe it has
helped me in life…or not! Regardless, it is a very fond memory
Thank you for being my fashion consultant and constantly
asking or answering the burning question of “is it cute or is it dumb?”
Thank you for being such a good Nana and loving Charlie and
Ryan so, so much! They love and adore you.
Thank you for standing by our sides when we delivered both
Charlie and Ryan.
Thank you for always listening. I feel like I can talk to
you about anything and everything. I am sure that over the years I have
probably shared way more than you want to know.
Thank you for calling me every morning on the way to work
just to leave me a message. I laugh every time I hear, “Hi, it’s Mom.” Like I wouldn’t
Thank you for always wanting to drink champagne with me...any time of day!
Thank you for always wanting to drink champagne with me...any time of day!
Thank you for always paying us compliments and for trying to
teach us that it means a lot more to say those nice things to a person’s face
than just every one else.
Thank you for always trying to have a conversation with
people—even when they didn’t have social skills or did not want to talk.
Thank you for showing me the strength of true, true friendship.
The way you helped care for Brenda while she was dying was unbelievable, and
your strength was amazing. And I know she would have done the same for you. You two had a bond that is rare.
Thank you for trying to be both a mom and a dad when I know
your heart was broken. And thank you for trying to help our broken hearts with
some trips that will forever be in our memories (the cruise, San Diego). I am
not sure I have ever laughed so hard and cried so hard all at the same time.
Thank you for putting up with my nutty self and my sometimes
not so nice self and still loving me unconditionally. You have taught me so
much about loyalty and love and friendship. I hope that one day Ryan and
Charlie will think of me in the wonderful way that I think of you. I love you more than words can ever express. Happy, happy birthday to the world's best Mommy!!!
Happy B-Day Lynn! Everything Kelli said is true... you are the bestus of the bestus :). Love you both!