Thursday, June 10, 2010

One week left to go, and I am ready (sort of)!

I am 39 weeks today, and I am definitely ready on a mental, physical and emotional level. The little guy, however, seems to be quite cozy where he is, and how can you blame him? I went to Dr. Y this morning only to be told that I am still 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced…no changes from last week. Then I find out that Dr. Y is going to be out of town from June 16 until June 20. Really? He did not clear his vacation schedule with me! So, my hope is that the little guy makes his appearance this weekend, or he waits until my mom is home.

Charlie is certainly feeling the changes, but at least now he does not keep saying, “I am going to shove Baby Brother and push him down.” Now he tells me that he is going to teach Baby Brother how to play basketball and baseball, and he hopes that Baby Brother will not try to bite him. Once again…the mind of a two-year-old!

Think good thoughts for me. June 12 would be a great day for a birthday, right?

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for a new post! I love this I am so excited for the baby and the name is beautiful! Charlie will be such a good big brother.
    Keeping y'all in my prayers. xoxox
