Cancer...it is a horrible word. One that no one wants to ever hear in reference to their own body, or someone that they love so much. We recently found out that my sweet Grandma Fratto has cancer. It is lung cancer - not the kind from smoking, as she has never smoked a day in her life-but another kind and it has spread to her bones. It breaks my heart, as cancer is a horrific beast.
But enough about the beast, I want to talk about her. I want to talk about her because sometimes we wait too long to let people know how we feel about them. And after hearing the news of the cancer, I have thought a lot of my grandma and all of the people in my life who I love and care about, but this post is for her alone.
She is an amazing, strong woman. She has lived a wonderful life, and she has also endured a lot of heartache over the years - from losing her parents, her siblings, her husband, her son (my incredible dad), my cousins Ryan and Joe. With Grandma Fratto, the saying holds true, "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger." She is living proof of that.
Over the past weeks/months, she has been in so much pain and has had to have so many tests run. And yet every time we would talk on the phone, she would never focus on how badly she felt but always wanted to know how I was, how the boys were doing and how Peter was. That is exactly the type of person she is. She makes you feel good being around her, and we would all like to think that we are her "favorite" because she makes you feel that way...always.
I have so many memories that I could never write them all down. She is the best cook...the best red sauce, zucchini patties, meatballs, etc. that you could ever have. And she loves to feed you. She is the most welcoming and gracious host, no matter who steps foot in her house. I remember when I was little how it was such a treat to go stay at Grandma Fratto's house. We always knew we would have the best time and be well fed, even if "there wasn't much food in the house," as she has been known to say. What true Italian doesn't have at least some sausage, cheese and bread in the house at all times!
I have posted pictures of both boys first visit with Grandma Fratto (Ryan is the top picture, and Charlie is below). She just adores them. She has always wants a grandbaby to look like a Fratto, and I think she is getting that with Ryan.
Grandma, I know you will not be online reading this, but I hope you know how much you are loved and respected. I always say that you are the one person that Dominic would drop everything for to help, and that is definitely saying a lot, as we know how he can be at times (sorry, Dom!). Your strength, faith and love are admirable. Thank you for loving us all unconditionally...and thank you for loving me the most :)