Ryan is not QUITE as big as we thought…we had an appointment with Dr. Rachel today, and she thought everything looked great and could not believe how strong Ryan is. He is actually 15 lbs. 8 oz. (diaper must have been wet at the PCMC appointment). He is 85% for height and 60% for weight and his head falls into the 89th percentile. Keep growing, little man! You are awesome!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Happy four months, my sweet baby boy!

My Sweet Ryan,
We cannot believe how this time is flying by and how big you have gotten. I love how each morning you wake up with a huge smile on your face. You have such a sweet disposition and are always so happy and content. In fact, last night Uncle D said that he has never really heard you cry.
My heart melts every time I look at you. You are just an amazing little guy! You definitely look like a Fratto (even daddy has to admit that). And you are so big and so strong! Tomorrow you will go see Dr. Rachel. Last week when you had your appointment at Primary Children’s, you weighed 16 pounds and were 26.25 inches long. I cannot wait to hear what percentile you fall into. Wow! You are a big boy!
You are doing a great job rolling from your tummy to your back, but I think that is because you do not love “tummy time.” And you love to talk! You were telling Grandma and me all about your day the other night. You would babble away and then look at us for our response.
Lately you have been drooling up a storm and chewing on things! I do not see any teeth coming in, but we will probably know more about that tomorrow.
I cannot wait until you and Charlie can really play together. Charlie loves you so much. He likes to sit on the couch with you and “hold you.” And he always asks where you are…it seems he does not feel like things are complete unless you are right there with us. I feel the same.
Thank you, Ryan, for adding so much joy to our lives and for making us smile!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Single Mommyhood
After five days alone with Charlie and Ryan, I have a huge respect for single moms. Holy Guac!!! How do they do it every day? Both Charlie and Ryan are really easy boys, but I was completely worn out. I still am.
Charlie had a tough time on about day two, and he would get up in the night crying for his daddy. Plus, he had a low grade fever on a couple of the nights. It would seem that just as I would get him back down to sleep and get myself back in bed, Ryan would wake up and want to be fed. I think I averaged about four hours of sleep each night.
Despite the lack of sleep and dark circles under my eyes, I still had so much fun spending time with them and having them all to myself. We made cookies (all of which I ate), we painted pictures, we danced, we sang, we went to the playground and we laughed and laughed. Ryan even had moments of giggling.
Ryan and Charlie, you two are amazing! I cannot wait for Ryan to be big enough for you to play together. You will have so much fun!
And Peter, I am soooo glad you are home. Not just to help out with the boys, but because I really missed you!