Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Single Mommyhood

After five days alone with Charlie and Ryan, I have a huge respect for single moms. Holy Guac!!! How do they do it every day? Both Charlie and Ryan are really easy boys, but I was completely worn out. I still am.

Charlie had a tough time on about day two, and he would get up in the night crying for his daddy. Plus, he had a low grade fever on a couple of the nights. It would seem that just as I would get him back down to sleep and get myself back in bed, Ryan would wake up and want to be fed. I think I averaged about four hours of sleep each night.

Despite the lack of sleep and dark circles under my eyes, I still had so much fun spending time with them and having them all to myself. We made cookies (all of which I ate), we painted pictures, we danced, we sang, we went to the playground and we laughed and laughed. Ryan even had moments of giggling.

Ryan and Charlie, you two are amazing! I cannot wait for Ryan to be big enough for you to play together. You will have so much fun!

And Peter, I am soooo glad you are home. Not just to help out with the boys, but because I really missed you!

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