What a rough month and a half we have had with you, Little Man! It all started back in August with you throwing up, which was quickly followed by a bout of the runs that lasted for days and days and weeks and weeks. Your poor little body lost two pounds in one week! That is a lot of weight when you only weight 20 lbs.
Over the past month you have been poked and prodded and put under anesthesia, and you have been such a trooper--you have constantly kept a smile on your sweet little face. It seems we could all learn something from your demeanor during this time.
Needless to say, here we are with not many answers. The good news is that your liver function is normal, you were negative for Cystic Fibrosis, and your blood work looks pretty good. Now we are awaiting results from a biopsy that was taken during an endoscopy last week. And let's just say you were AWESOME for that! You went 22 hours without food and were still in a good mood. Mama would have been cranky and crying after that long.
This Thursday you will be 15 months. You have a zillion teeth (as seen in the photo), you have fabulous (long) hair, and this infectious smile. Many times you are mistaken for a girl. People stop me quite often to comment on your beautiful big eyes. They are quite fantastic!
You do not say too much (I think Charlie does all of the talking for you), but you love to laugh. You can kick and throw a ball like no other 15 month old, and you are fast on your feet. You and Charlie are interacting more and more, and I love it. You love going in his room in the morning to wake him up before school. Your favorite game with him is hide and seek--he hides and you look for him. When you do find him, you squeal with delight and run the other way, and he chases you.
I am sorry that you have had to have all of these tests. Dr. Book and Dr. Baar just want to make sure it is nothing too serious. We are very lucky to have two incredible doctors looking after your well being. Plus, you have many angels above watching out for you as well. How lucky we are!
Alright, Little Man, I love you too, too much. I wish you health and happiness and good test results.
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