Today Grandma Lynn and I took you to your first play (actually, it was Grandma Lynn's treat to us). We went to see "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" at Salt Lake Acting Company. And, I can honestly say it was one of the top moments I have had in life. The play was really cute, but watching your reaction was sheer joy--indescribable. You were so excited all day to go, and when we got there you were in awe of everything you saw. Not to mention, you were so happy that you had your own seat.
I think Grandma and I could have watched you the entire time. There is something so incredible about the innocence of a child. You were the first one to start laughing, and you have the most amazing, infectious laugh. In fact, you made the people in the theater giggle as they heard your wonderful sounds of joy. Everyone who knows you, would agree that you have one of the best laughs ever heard. And your big, beautiful eyes were shining the whole time.
Grandma and I talked after the play about how we both were moved to tears, just by hearing you laugh. It made us both realize that it is the simple things in life that make a child so happy, especially you. I thought about how you were laughing so hard, and people were probably wondering why I had tears in my eyes. But they were tears of joy! What a fantastic time it was!
So, Charlie, thank you for reminding us what it is like to be a kid--without a care in the world and finding humor in the little things. This was the most perfect way to kick off the holiday season. I cannot wait until our next adventure, and I cannot wait for Ryan to come with us when he is a bit older.
Sweet Pea, I love you too, too much!
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