Hi, Baby Boy!
It is hard to believe that you are already eight months old! It seems like yesterday that we were awaiting your arrival. This past month has been a bit rough. You, unfortunately, seem to be prone to ear infections--just like your brother. Just this month you have had two double ear infections. I feel so bad for you, but you do not seem to be phased by it. You continue smiling as though nothing is bothering you. We have an appointment with an ENT in a few weeks to see if tubes are in your near future.
You are not yet crawling, but you move all over the place by rolling or scooting yourself to get to what you want. You do get up on all fours and then just rock back and forth like you are not quite sure how it all works. Then you drop to the ground, realizing that rolling will get you there faster.
You are babbling quite a bit. You still say a lot of "dadadadadas" but when you are upset, you say "mamamama." I think you know that I will be there in an instant.
Charlie is still your most favorite person. You laugh and everything and anything he does. You even smile at him when he hits you on the head. Luckily it is not too hard.
You are such a great eater. At first you hated food, but who could blame you when all I was trying to give you was rice cereal. You love peas, carrots, applesauce, sweet potatoes, etc. and you eat and eat and eat!
Ms. Edina and Ms. Teresa adore you and you adore them. Each night (because Mommy gets there later than the other parents), you get to spend good one-on-one time with Ms. Teresa, and she thinks you are the greatest. We think you are, too.
This weekend you are getting baptized at St. Ambrose. Aunt JoLyn and Uncle Jerry are your God parents, and they will be such wonderful God parents. They bought you the cutest outfit. I cannot wait for everyone to see you in it. I guess I will have to post some pictures as well.
Thank you, Little Bear Cub, for blessing us with you little self. We love you so much. You are an amazingly good, happy baby. Happy eight months!
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