Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 23 with NO Sugar...

It is true…and I NEVER thought I could do it. I consider myself a total sugar addict. However, back in December a friend of mine posted a “sugar challenge” on her blog (, and I thought “Why not?” The one caveat (okay, two caveats) was that Peter had to do it with me (safety and strength in numbers) and I would eat birthday cake on Charlie’s birthday—I could not possibly tell him that Mommy could not eat cake with him.

Here’s the deal…the challenge started on Jan. 3 and three days into it Ryan started to sleep through the night. Amazing! I like to say that he was like a crack addict. He was getting up every three hours to eat. He was not hungry. He was crashing from all of the sugar I had eaten and he had, in turn, ingested, and he needed more. I felt horrible. That has been my biggest motivation to complete this 45-day challenge. Don’t get me wrong…he still has nights of waking up, but he has become more consistent when it comes to sleeping through the night.

I also feel better. I have been sleeping much better, and I feel like I have more energy. I found that I eat a lot more fruit and veggies, and I am much more aware of what I put in my mouth. I do still crave sweets, but, other than that birthday cake (which was sooo good), I have not given in to temptation.

I challenge you all to try it…even if it is just for a week. It is amazing how much better you feel. And I have vowed to myself that once this is over, I am not going to go back to my old ways of gorging on anything sweet.

Thank you, Jill, for giving us this challenge. It has been an eye-opening experience!


  1. Nice job & congrats! I've been staying away from sugar (and all refined foods) for about 6 months now. I too feel a lot better, and notice that I don't crave sugar much anymore. I will eat it on special occasions, like b-days, but that's it. Now if I can just get the kids and husband on board... :).

  2. This is so good to hear! Especially the part about breastfeeding Ryan and how it has in turn helped him. I've been a total sweets junky my whole life but it's really kicked in high gear the last trimester of my pregnancy. I think I'm going to give this a whirl (once these pregnancy cravings end which should hopefully be in just a couple short weeks!!)
