Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to the world of THREE, Mr. C!

Happy Birthday (January 12) Charlie! I really cannot believe that you are already three years old. Where has the time gone? You are my little really do make me happy when skies are gray.
You are such a great little guy! You are sweet and caring. You make us smile with the funny things you say and do each day. You have a huge heart, and you have a crazy silly side to you that makes me giggle when I think about it. If only I could bottle that laugh and sell it. We would make millions because it just makes people happy when they hear it.
For being three, you sure do have a big personality. I think you could teach some people about the art of communication--about asking people about things in their lives and really listening to what they have to say. I know you certainly inherited that from your namesake. Grandpa Charlie could bring out the best in anyone, and he was genuinely interested in what people had to say and how they were doing.
I hope you have enjoyed your birthday week. We had a fun party at Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kim's house, which was so nice of them to host. You really had a fun time...even if you were a little upset at first. That is what happens when you miss a nap! Then Daddy and I took you to a Jazz game. Crazy thing was that it was Bear's birthday also, and all of his mascot friends were there to celebrate. You loved it! And the Jazz won!
Last week you started ski school at Deer Valley. Teacher Will said you did a great job on your first day. You are the youngest in the program, but you were the only one in your class who got to go up on the lift. Good work! We are so proud of you, and you loved every minute of it.
Mommy loves birthdays (well, her own birthday) to last a few weeks, so I think yours should as well.
You were really sick a couple of days after your birthday. You got the 24-hour flu. In fact, you threw up all over my lap that morning. It was crazy! It was the first time you have EVER thrown up. Wow...took you three years to do that!
And your new obsession is "The Polar Express" movie. You want to watch it every single day. You cannot sit though any movie, but you can watch that one over and over. It is a great movie for you to love. It is the reason you asked Santa for a bell for Christmas. It made my heart melt.
I am excited for the year ahead and to watch you learn and grow more each day. You are an amazing little guy. I love spending time with you and talking with you. You bring so much happiness and joy to our lives. Thank you for brightening my days and for just being you! Happy Birthday, Sweet Prince.
I love you too, too much!

1 comment:

  1. Charlie :)
    I am so very glad I was hope to help celebrate your third birthday! You are so big, it just shocks me every time I come home! I have a picture of you on my desk in my dorm room and everyone always comments on how cute you are :) Your mom is so right about your laugh! I want to record it and listen to it while I am stressed at school, because I know it would make me feel so much better!

    I love y'all so much.
