Hi Ryan,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Half Birthday, Ryan!
Hi Ryan,
Monday, December 6, 2010
My very own SUPERMAN
Hi Dad,
I cannot believe it is 11 years today. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you and wish you were here. It breaks my heart that you will never meet your beautiful grandsons, as they are such a joy and such amazing little boys. Sometimes I feel like you are talking to me through Charlie, especially when he wants to hear all about anything Peter or I have done that day. He always says, “Tell me about your day, Mommy” when I pick him up from school. I wish that Peter knew you, because I know you two would have been so close.
Peter asked me today to tell him things about you that he may not know, and I have so many memories that it is hard to narrow it down. I know I have told him so much already, but I thought I would share with him the little things that I will never forget and that will always remind me of you. I also wanted to write on the blog about you. We recently went to the viewing of our sweet neighbor Dwain, and his daughter had written him a letter years ago, and it was in a “Thank you” format. I liked it so much, that I would like to do the same…
Thank you for always having Tic Tacs in your pocket, so we always knew who was going up or down the stairs.
Thank you for playing “Mambo #5” each morning to try to wake Dominic up, as I know it annoyed him immensely. We will never not think of you when we hear that song.
Thank you for saying “it burns so good” every time you took that first sip of Coke. It made me giggle each time.
Thank you for giving me fluoride pills until I was about 15. I am convinced that is why I still do not have a cavity.
Thank you for always letting me talk the entire walk when we would go on walks at night. I think I miss that most of all.
Thank you for making me campaign with you and go door-to-door handing out flyers for Palmer De Paulis, Jim Bradley, etc. Teaching me about politics at a young age was smart of you.
Thank you for reading the newspaper front to back every day. I was convinced that you knew always everything going on the world, and that you could always answer my questions.
Thank you for the downtown walking tours of SLC. I wish I could remember all of the facts and all of the history of the buildings downtown. I would love to do the same for Charlie and Ryan.
Thank you for our date to the Capitol to see the Christmas Tree and then lunch at Snappy’s. It was amazing how you could make Maury smile. I am not sure anyone else was capable of that.
Thank you for having lunch with me once a week. I loved sitting in your office and eating a kay-sa-dee-yah from Scott’s or wherever you picked up lunch that day.
Thank you for going to the Daddy-Daughter night for Pi Phi even though it was at the dreaded Olive Garden, as I know you hated the meal!
Thank you for always driving on the fieldtrips at Cosgriff and for always being a “lunch lady” with the other moms. I always knew I had the best dad!
Thank you for letting me drive the new Jaguar home from the dealership, while you drove my car. I will always remember you saying, “It is just a car, and that is why we have insurance” when I said “but it is new and so nice, and what if I crash it?. The meaning of that has always stuck with me…and I drove about 20 mph that day, but what a great car to drive!
Thank you for teaching me the value of the dollar by making pay you for my first car and then revealing, years later, that you put all of the money back into my savings account. And also, for making me believe that if I had less than $200 in my checking account that the bank would call and yell at me. Poor Dominic never got to learn these lessons. Ha!
Thank you for the trips to Fred Meyer. We still laugh about how Dom and I would rather go to the grocery store with you on a Friday than out with our friends at times. You always made every experience fun.
I think I could go on and on, but you always knew how I felt. Thank you most of all for being the most amazing dad, for loving me unconditionally, for teaching us what it means to be truly altruistic (and some do not believe that can exist), and for always listening. You will always be my hero! I love you si, si.
And thank you, Peter, for helping me remember all of these wonderful things.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
If you give a mouse a cookie...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A quick update…
Ryan is not QUITE as big as we thought…we had an appointment with Dr. Rachel today, and she thought everything looked great and could not believe how strong Ryan is. He is actually 15 lbs. 8 oz. (diaper must have been wet at the PCMC appointment). He is 85% for height and 60% for weight and his head falls into the 89th percentile. Keep growing, little man! You are awesome!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Happy four months, my sweet baby boy!

My Sweet Ryan,
We cannot believe how this time is flying by and how big you have gotten. I love how each morning you wake up with a huge smile on your face. You have such a sweet disposition and are always so happy and content. In fact, last night Uncle D said that he has never really heard you cry.
My heart melts every time I look at you. You are just an amazing little guy! You definitely look like a Fratto (even daddy has to admit that). And you are so big and so strong! Tomorrow you will go see Dr. Rachel. Last week when you had your appointment at Primary Children’s, you weighed 16 pounds and were 26.25 inches long. I cannot wait to hear what percentile you fall into. Wow! You are a big boy!
You are doing a great job rolling from your tummy to your back, but I think that is because you do not love “tummy time.” And you love to talk! You were telling Grandma and me all about your day the other night. You would babble away and then look at us for our response.
Lately you have been drooling up a storm and chewing on things! I do not see any teeth coming in, but we will probably know more about that tomorrow.
I cannot wait until you and Charlie can really play together. Charlie loves you so much. He likes to sit on the couch with you and “hold you.” And he always asks where you are…it seems he does not feel like things are complete unless you are right there with us. I feel the same.
Thank you, Ryan, for adding so much joy to our lives and for making us smile!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Single Mommyhood
After five days alone with Charlie and Ryan, I have a huge respect for single moms. Holy Guac!!! How do they do it every day? Both Charlie and Ryan are really easy boys, but I was completely worn out. I still am.
Charlie had a tough time on about day two, and he would get up in the night crying for his daddy. Plus, he had a low grade fever on a couple of the nights. It would seem that just as I would get him back down to sleep and get myself back in bed, Ryan would wake up and want to be fed. I think I averaged about four hours of sleep each night.
Despite the lack of sleep and dark circles under my eyes, I still had so much fun spending time with them and having them all to myself. We made cookies (all of which I ate), we painted pictures, we danced, we sang, we went to the playground and we laughed and laughed. Ryan even had moments of giggling.
Ryan and Charlie, you two are amazing! I cannot wait for Ryan to be big enough for you to play together. You will have so much fun!
And Peter, I am soooo glad you are home. Not just to help out with the boys, but because I really missed you!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Potty Training and The Poop Strike

Well, it has finally happened…Charlie is potty trained. I really should not use the term “finally” because it makes it sounds as though we were working on it for ages, which we were not. It all just kind of happened over this past weekend. We even got through the nights and nap times without any accidents. Yay for Charlie!
I think the fear of peeing on “Tow Mater” or “Lightening McQueen” was the key – we do not want to upset them. Plus, the constant “we are so proud of you” helped out as well. In fact, on Sunday Charlie said to me, “Mommy, I am just so proud of myself!” As you should be, little man!
Ryan, on the other hand, is on a poop strike and has not pooped in seven days! Yes, SEVEN DAYS!!! Yet, he is still happy and smiling. I would not be happy after two days of that. All I have to say is that when it happens, everyone better move out of the way…and fast!
Happy three months to you, Ryan…our Little Bear Cub. I miss spending each day with you, but it makes it that much better when I get to see my two handsome boys each afternoon. Your two beautiful smiles make my day.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
An example for us all...

Cancer...it is a horrible word. One that no one wants to ever hear in reference to their own body, or someone that they love so much. We recently found out that my sweet Grandma Fratto has cancer. It is lung cancer - not the kind from smoking, as she has never smoked a day in her life-but another kind and it has spread to her bones. It breaks my heart, as cancer is a horrific beast.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Happy Two Months, Baby Ryan!

I cannot believe that it has been nine weeks since Ryan was born. The time is going by all too quickly, but I have enjoyed every moment of being home with him and getting to know him. He is a good baby. He loves to stare into your eyes and just smile at you. He also likes to "talk" to me a lot more these days. I am going to miss that when I go back to work in three weeks. It will definitely be a bittersweet moment, as I will hate to leave him, but I also know it will be good to get back to the office and have conversations with adults. I have missed the crew and our silly chatter :)
I ate some steak
Monday, July 26, 2010
"I am still a Big Brother, Mommy"
Monday, June 28, 2010
Welcome to the World Baby Boy...We're so Happy You're Here!

Thursday, June 10, 2010
One week left to go, and I am ready (sort of)!
Charlie is certainly feeling the changes, but at least now he does not keep saying, “I am going to shove Baby Brother and push him down.” Now he tells me that he is going to teach Baby Brother how to play basketball and baseball, and he hopes that Baby Brother will not try to bite him. Once again…the mind of a two-year-old!
Think good thoughts for me. June 12 would be a great day for a birthday, right?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Changes are Coming...

So, yes, I think we are ready. It is amazing how the time has flown by. I have felt great, and we are all so excited to meet the little man. Yes, we have a name. No, I am not going to tell you. We like to do this just to bug my mom…sorry, Mom! But it is a great name, and we are excited about it. More on that later…
Charlie, however, is going through a phase of being overly sensitive and acting out a bit at school. What to do? It is not like we can show him more affection and love – the poor kid would be smothered. I said to him, “I hope Baby Brother has hair like yours.” His response…”Nooooo, Baby Brother cannot have my hair, Mommy!” The trials and tribulations of being two!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Let’s Rock and Roll, Mommy!
I am entering week 30 of my pregnancy and what a week it has been. I think my emotions are getting the best of me at times. A friend/co-worker told me two days ago that I have been rude all week. Hormones, right?
Anyway, life is good. Charlie is growing like a weed and keeps me and Peter entertained by the silly things he says and does. His vocabulary amazes us…and sometimes frightens us. Where did he learn that four-letter word? He is a sweet, good natured boy and will be such a good big brother.
Baby 2 is supposed to arrive on June 17, which means we have ten weeks to go. Oh boy! I have been feeling great, and I cannot wait to meet the little guy. Although, nothing has been done to prepare. At least we have the clothes already.
Peter is doing well. The Jazz are playing well, and we are looking forward to the playoffs. Amazingly enough, the season has flown by! Go Jazz!!!
What Charlie phrase will be my next inspiration??? We shall see…